Recently some person took it upon themselves to remove a tree from Turkey Mountain.
They did this without the permission of the land owner. This makes the action vandalism.
We understand that in years past rogue cleanups often happened and generally were well managed.
With the increased use Turkey Mountain is seeing in the past few years, this is a practice that simply must stop. The trees that are being felled are sometimes not the ones that need to go, including the tree that was cut down recently.
When the TUWC has a work day, we coordinate with the land owners. We plan carefully what trails we will work on, what work will be performed and what tools we will need.
The use of power tools requires a full shutdown of the trails that the work is performed to prevent any accidents of a trail user surprising someone wielding a chainsaw.
Currently the only persons allowed to work on Turkey Mountain with any type of power equipment are those employed by the River Parks Authority. If you see anyone using power tools in the park without RPA authorization, please contact the proper authorities.
River Parks Office 918-596-2001
Tulsa Police 918-596-9222
Tags: #RPA #Trail Work #Turkey Mountain #TUWC