Tulsa World: IMBA

turkey mountain: development concerns Mountain bikers urged to work with developers of project


“It gives us more exposure and more clout because it’s international,” he said. “If they can work with the (National) Park Service, I’m pretty sure they can work with city parks and the Kaiser Foundation.”

Ribela said the next step for local Turkey Mountain enthusiasts is to share their concerns with city councilors.

“(We need) to let our public officials know we really don’t want the mall there,” he said. “If it went somewhere else, we would be fine with that.”

Tony Huntsberger, 55, expressed a similar opinion. He and his son Robert traveled 30 miles to be at Saturday’s meeting and to ride the trails.

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TulsaNow: What happened

A Tale of Two Maps

As you can see, a couple of the trails are going to be affected. The vast majority of the wilderness area, on both public and private land, will not be touched. The Simon Properties development will be on a small part of the western-most edge of the area. The INCOG trail map puts things in perspective best: it shows how large the entire area is compared to the size of this private lot. It also very clearly shows who owns what land — some of it is city, some of it is private, some of it is owned by the YMCA.

You can also see a lot of light grey dividing lines.  These are individual lots.  Who exactly owns these lots, what’s the zoning for them and are they in danger of being purchased and developed as well?  We’ll answer that next.


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KOTV: The Fight Continues

Many Continue Fight Against Proposed Outlet Mall Near Turkey Mountain

“You have so many children that enjoy the trails every day and to have that huge structure up there it would just completely alter the traffic flow and the landscape,”


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Tulsa World: Meeting to Protect Turkey Mountain

Mountain bikers to meet Saturday on protecting Turkey Mountain trails

The meeting comes less than two weeks after Simon Property Group, which owns Woodland Hills Mall, announced that it is planning to a build an upscale outlet mall in the Turkey Mountain area.

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Blog: YogisDen – Turkey Mountain – Still Saying No to the Mall

Turkey Mountain – Still Saying No to the Mall

Anyway Turkey Mountain is unique. A wilderness within sight of downtown. It is important to keep it that way. An outlet mall can go anywhere. If you think we need one of course. We’ve been doing fine without is my opinion.

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