
Blog: YogisDen – Our World – Sunday Afternoon on Turkey Mountain

Tag: Blog

Blog: YogisDen – The Great Tulsa Campout at Turkey Mountain

The Great Tulsa Campout at Turkey Mountain

If you know anything about me then you know that I love Tulsa’s Turkey Mountain Wilderness Park. A sizeable plot of land in Tulsa right on the Arkansas River. It contains miles of trails for people who like to walk, hike, run, bicycle, unicycle, geocache, picnic, and other things. The one thing you can’t do legally on Turkey Mountain is camp. Saturday night though the Great Tulsa Campout was held. One night this year where one could go camping. So I bought a pass, signed up to volunteer and headed for the mountain.

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Blog: YogisDen – Turkey Mountain – Still Saying No to the Mall

Turkey Mountain – Still Saying No to the Mall

Anyway Turkey Mountain is unique. A wilderness within sight of downtown. It is important to keep it that way. An outlet mall can go anywhere. If you think we need one of course. We’ve been doing fine without is my opinion.

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Blog: YogisDen – Saying No to an Outlet Mall on Turkey Mountain

Saying No to an Outlet Mall on Turkey Mountain

Turkey Mountain is home to a lot of critters, Everything from snakes, turtles, and deer to thousands of people: geocachers, hikers, runners, bicyclist, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and just people wanting to go get their heads clear.

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Blog: YogisDen – Hiking on Turkey Mountain

Hiking on Turkey Mountain

There is nothing like going through the woods. You can see a lot and hear a lot. It is amazing how loud some of our fellow people are and how quiet the animals are. Sounds travel far in winter woods.

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