
TUWC: Turkey Mountain and ATV’s

Tag: enviromental impact

Blog: ProActiveOutside – Waterlogged

Waterlogged: When it’s time to give the trails a break

But there comes a time when you have to think bigger. The places where I run are pretty busy, and not just with runners. Cyclists, hikers and other trail users frequent my local trails by the hundreds every day, at a minimum. All that use has an impact on trails under the best of conditions. Add enough rain to the mix and trail erosion and degradation is greatly accelerated.

Read More – THE TRAILS ARE MUDDY!!!! Updated Jan 2nd, 2016

THE TRAILS ARE MUDDY!!!! Updated Jan 2nd, 2016

As of Saturday, January 2, 2016, trails are very muddy and slick. We recommend avoiding muddy trails for the sake of preserving them, and if you find yourself on a muddy trail, to walk/run/ride right down the middle of it instead of trying to sidestep. Sidestepping widens trails and increases likelihood of significant erosion.

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TUWC Presentation for Vision 2025


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TUWC: Turkey Mountain – Not Out of The Woods Yet!

Turkey Mountain: Not Out of The Woods Just Yet

With the stunning news that Simon Properties has abandoned the site on Turkey Mountain comes the sobering reality that there is now a 60 acre parcel of land with existing commercial zoning sitting wide open.

This is but round one. It was a hard fought battle, and people have taken notice how important Turkey Mountain is to the citizens of Tulsa. With that recognition, it is now time to step up fund-raising efforts to secure and protect the land from the threat of commercial development for future generations.

Large donations should be directed to Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition through its account at Tulsa Community Foundation:

Direct donations to TUWC can be made at

TUWC also has a Go Fund Me campaign for any donation amount at:

Please join the TUWC today in the movement to purchase this vital piece of urban wilderness.

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