
Tulsa World: Public meeting on development near Turkey Mountain tonight


TUWC : An Important Week

This week is turning out to be a pretty important week for people who have interest in the proposed outlet mall on the west side of Turkey Mountain.


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There are two meetings – one on Monday, and another on Tuesday.
The Monday meeting is at 6 p.m. at the Zarrow Library, 2224 W. 51st Street in Tulsa. This is only for residents of Tulsa’s District. 2, and people are being asked to bring utility bills and ID to show proof of residency. Representatives from Simon Property Group, the developers of the proposed outlet mall, have said they will be there.
Then at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, there will be an open meeting at the Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills, 1902 E. 71st Street. Anyone can come to this meeting.

We highly encourage people to come, and to have questions ready. Specifically, ask city and corporate representatives these questions:


• What plans are being made to mitigate drainage problems that are expected to arise from the proposed mall property? How will the developers solve downstream pollution issues associated with drainage from the mall? There are strong concerns about how this might affect the Mooser Creek drainage, and thus the entire wilderness area.

• What will Simon do to properly blend in with the surroundings? The mall would directly overlook the Westside YMCA kids camp, and the potential is high that its mere presence (litter, noise, light pollution, sightline issues) will have a detrimental effect on campers’ experience there.

• What is being planned to deal with the guaranteed increase in traffic in the area? Current plans include widening the 61st Street bridge and just a small part of 61st Street near the mall. But it is a sure thing that traffic will increase on all of 61st Street and Elwood Avenue, as has been the case there since the opening of Tulsa Hills and the growing popularity of the Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness Area. Current plans seem unlikely to adequately handle that traffic.

• Why does a multi-billion-dollar corporation need taxpayer assistance to make infrastructure improvements? If this project is going to be such a great thing, shouldn’t a well-moneyed company like Simon be able to pay for the costs without giving them a tax increment finance district? Why should the city risk taxpayer funds when there is already so much retail development in that area?

Be thinking of those questions and any others you might have. They are holding these meetings to make their case, and to hear from you. Be heard. Go to the meetings and hold these folks accountable.
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Blog: ProActiveOustide – Turkey Mountain update: Simon Group takes a standing eight-count, delays presenting updated plans

Turkey Mountain update: Simon Group takes a standing eight-count, delays presenting updated plans

So Simon asked for a time out. Company representatives were to appear at a Planning Commission next week, but asked for a one-month continuance. Translation: After getting battered by bad press, turning public opinion and open doubts from the people who have final say on the mall’s approval, Simon is taking a standing eight-count in their corner of the ring. I guess these things happen when your plan isn’t very good to begin with, and that’s not a surprise, given how poor the site is for a mall, and the other weaknesses I’ve already noted.

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TUWC: The View from our Government Affairs Coordinator

I had lunch yesterday with a couple of other TUWC founding members and one of them made a statement that really struck me about that general area of west Tulsa becoming “retailed-out” while we are proposing to subtract from our most important urban resource: green space.

That conversation and another I had recently with a long-time west Tulsa resident led me back to the genesis of Tulsa Hills.

In early 2006 developers of Tulsa Hills, Sooner Investments of Oklahoma City, had run into unanticipated challenges in developing their site. They came back to the city of Tulsa requesting a TIF district to finance the additional costs they had uncovered. If they could not secure the additional funding, they said they woud have to cancel the project.

I for one, have thought of Tulsa Hills being a great and timely project for west Tulsa and an appropriate instance where a TIF rewarded the area with better infrastructure, more modern amenities, it has driven more home construction, and Tulsa Hills has been a proven regional draw for sales tax revenue.

I’ve been told before by a developer knowledgeable with Tulsa Hills and the proposed Simon site that the Simon site has even more challenges for site prep. So what happens when Simon decides to spring similar news on the city council after rushing their plan through in an attempt to thwart Horizon Group’s bid for an outlet mall and Simon’s proposal ends up costing even more in TIF funding than Horizon’s would have?

There’s a serious irony in this whole development which has been lost to the sands of time. In 2006, then city councilor, Bill Christiansen said he might not be able to support this TIF as he was worried Woodland Hills’ tax collection potential might be undermined by this development. Never mind that Tulsa Hills’ offerings and Woodland Hills’ were somewhat different. It would take a whole lot of convincing otherwise to prove to me that Simon was not lobbying the council against that TIF at the time.

In speaking to a long-time west Tulsa resident who backed the Tulsa Hills development, she related to me that Simon was openly sharing concern about how Tulsa Hills might damage their business six miles to the east. She sees a real irony that now Simon wants to piggyback off the success Tulsa Hills has had and go to the city with their hand out now looking for a TIF.

Finally, I came across a blog post from Michael Bates’ Batesline blog which said “A study of retail opportunities within the City of Tulsa identified this site (Tulsa Hills) and one near I-44 and 129th East Avenue as the optimum locations for a new major retail development.”

West Tulsa has gotten a windfall of related retail and residential development that is rapidly taxing the Highway 75 corridor. With all the new development to open within the next year between 71st and Jenks, the additional traffic through the I-44 and 75 interchange will be a nightmare.

When will it be east Tulsa’s turn for a development that will change its fortunes? The proposed Horizon outlet mall development also includes pad space for additional restaurant and retail space. This is the type of development that could lead an economic renaissance for east Tulsa that is long overdue.

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TUWC: Guided Walk Feb 28 Rescheduled (AGAIN)

This snow just will not let us catch a break and have our guided walk! We are rescheduling to March 7 Hope to see you there!


The Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition is hosting a “Get to Know Turkey Mountain” guided walks March 7 & March 28. This will be a gentle walk geared toward familiarizing new Trail Users with Turkey Mountain. This event is free and open to all ages! All we ask is that you please register for the event so we have adequate volunteers for our visitors. SPACE IS LIMITED.

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