
Tulsa World: Let’s be sure to take care of our urban wild spaces


2021 #OptOutsideTulsa Photo Scavenger Hunt

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TUWC: Thoughts on the Zink Lake Dam

Usually, the TUWC tries to keep our scope to wilderness-specific issues. But with the Vision 2025 funding tying Turkey Mountain and the Zink Dam together, we need to hold true to our convictions. In March of 2016 we endorsed this bond measure after a great deal of fact-finding. The last thing our organization ever wants to do is gain at the expense of another outdoor space. 

As a result, we spoke to an unlikely source: Dave Lindo, a biologist who runs Oklahoma’s first dedicated kayaking stores. Anyone who has been on the water with Dave can tell you that he is a biologist first and a salesman last. One of the things he loves most is helping people connect with nature. 

While speaking with Dave, he allayed concerns of how the new dam would impact the unique species that call our prairie river home. He went on to detail how this would actually be an improvement for these wild creatures. We were encouraged by this and chose to endorse the bond measure. To see that the promises in this bond package have not been carried on to implementation is disappointing to say the least.

We are specifically concerned with the Least Terns, at last, having access to a relatively predictable nesting ground in the form of a protected sand bar island. The shovel-nosed sturgeon and paddlefish who need to be able to swim upstream to spawn. With the prior low water dam, these rare species of fish would become trapped in shallow pools. A more regular lowering of the dam would allow for them to complete this spawning cycle which actually might allow the population of these fish species to flourish. 

We understand that the River Parks Authority is a dam manager and not the owner, and therefore does not have the authority to enforce these promises. Flow of the dam is dictated by the Corps of Engineers. We sincerely hope that both the city of Tulsa and the Army Corps of Engineers will respect the statements made in 2016 and help the Tulsa stretch of the Arkansas River be a model for other cities on how man and nature can co-exist for the benefit of all. 

A quick review of the Vision 2025 package here will direct you to the following link. The full report is available here.

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Leave No Trace in Tulsa SOON

November 3rd – November 8th Subaru’s Leave No Trace traveling trainers will be in Tulsa!

For the Hot Spot

November 3rd – November 8th Subaru’s Leave No Trace traveling trainers will be in Tulsa!

For the Hot Spot activation, the Subaru/Leave No Trace Team will be at Turkey Mountain working with local educators and community leaders on a variety of workshops and events, including opportunities for community involvement. 

The Leave No Trace Hot Spot Program aims to provide visitors, land managers, volunteers, and the local community with tools and education to reduce severe impacts in natural areas and ensure a sustainable recreation future for all.

Hot Spots, including Turkey Mountain, are areas identified as suffering from severe human-related impacts that can thrive again with Leave No Trace solutions. Each location receives a unique, site-specific blend of programs aimed at a healthy and sustainable recovery. Since 2010, Leave No Trace has conducted over 100 Hot Spots in national parks and forests, state parks, city parks, and more to set these areas on a path to recovery.

Learn More

To see the full schedule of events and participate visit this link!

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TUWC : Thoughts on the Turkey Mountain Urabn Wilderness Master Plan


Last night the citizens of Tulsa got to see the first ideas of what Turkey Mountain can hope to look like going forward.

While we understand that as of yet this plan is a dream with zero funding committed, we are delighted with what we are seeing. Turkey Mountain as we currently know it is being left largely untouched by programming.

The careful consideration from Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates’ team working together with many experts including Progressive Trail Design, assures us that we are in the hands of respected trail builders and conservationists. As each piece of this plan was unveiled we were pleased to see how much input from the community was utilized.

By incorporating the other regional parks this is a chance for our Urban Wilderness experience to expand! With the revitalization of Bales Park to house picnic facilities and a community green space for performances, this gives park users some of the things they have wanted to see on Turkey Mountain Proper while not detracting from the more intensive recreational trail users.

We are happy to see the inclusion of accessibility options for those of all ability levels to bring the wilderness experience to users of all walks of life.

Since the early days of the TUWC forming, Mooser Creek has been a big concern. We are thrilled to see the health of this creek take a prime role as it is one of the last natural, pristine streams in Tulsa County. The inclusion of many suggestions from the RD Flanagan study is a wonderful thing to see.

We hope the citizens of Tulsa are as enthusiastic as we are about the opportunities this plan could hold for our beloved Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness. An urban wilderness park of this caliber can only boost the appeal of Tulsa to live, work and play!


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