Category: Events

Leave No Trace in Tulsa SOON

November 3rd – November 8th Subaru’s Leave No Trace traveling trainers will be in Tulsa!

For the Hot Spot

November 3rd – November 8th Subaru’s Leave No Trace traveling trainers will be in Tulsa!

For the Hot Spot activation, the Subaru/Leave No Trace Team will be at Turkey Mountain working with local educators and community leaders on a variety of workshops and events, including opportunities for community involvement. 

The Leave No Trace Hot Spot Program aims to provide visitors, land managers, volunteers, and the local community with tools and education to reduce severe impacts in natural areas and ensure a sustainable recreation future for all.

Hot Spots, including Turkey Mountain, are areas identified as suffering from severe human-related impacts that can thrive again with Leave No Trace solutions. Each location receives a unique, site-specific blend of programs aimed at a healthy and sustainable recovery. Since 2010, Leave No Trace has conducted over 100 Hot Spots in national parks and forests, state parks, city parks, and more to set these areas on a path to recovery.

Learn More

To see the full schedule of events and participate visit this link!

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Leave No Trace Hot Spot, Turkey Mountain – Tulsa • Youth Educator Training

This workshop is designed for educators interested in teaching kids how to enjoy Turkey Mtn & all outdoor spaces responsibly.

About this event

Topics in this interactive workshop include: 

Best practices for effectively reaching youth with Leave No Trace, including fun and interactive games and activities educators can use, whether online or in person, to teach students, campers, and other youth participants (ages 6 to 18) how to Leave No Trace.

Activities may include resources from Leave No Trace’s website, Bigfoot’s Playbook, PEAK, TEEN program, and Social Media + Stewardship. 

Participants who are new to Leave No Trace or have not had Leave No Trace training in recent years are encouraged to complete the self-paced (30-45 min.) Leave No Trace Online Awareness Course in advance. 

COVID-19 Updates: 

All participants are asked to follow CDC guidelines and state and local requirements regarding Covid precautions. 

See the following links for more information:

• CDC:

• OK State Department of Health:

• We ask that all participants wear a functioning mask indoors or anytime distancing cannot be maintained (unless eating or drinking)

Register to attend

Preregistration is required

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Monarch Media Monday

Join us for Monarch Media Monday, an hour-long panel discussion with the following experts:

  • Stacie Martin – Director of Horticulture at Gathering Place, to learn how to establish and maintain prairies, Incorporate native plants and Milkweed, weed control, and more. 
  • Cheryl Cheadle – Blue Thumb volunteer coordinator as she discusses how you can create quality pollinator habitat on a smaller scale, Yard by Yard.
  • Jane Breckenridge – Owner Euchee Butterfly Farm and director of the Tribal Alliance for Pollinators will share her expertise on Monarch Basics and the status of the Monarch population.

There will be time for questions and answers at the end of the panel discussion.

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Monarchs on the Mountain Mobile Edition 2020 • Movie Night

Monarchs on the Mountain: Mobile Edition 2020 culminates on Monday with a virtual screening of, The Mystical Migration of the Monarch, and award winning film about the Monarch Migration.

At 6:45 tune in to the Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition Facebook Page to watch a message recorded for us from the creators of the film. Then follow the link to their YouTube channel to virtually share the experience of watching the movie together.

With gratitude to all of the organizations who have supported this event and worked to bring it to life: Tulsa River Parks Authority, the Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition, the Tulsa Audubon Society, The M.e.t, Monarch Initiative of Tulsa, Riverfield Country Day School, Sustainable Tulsa, Blue Thumb, Okies for Monarchs, The Tulsa Zoo, City of Tulsa, Save Our Streams, Gathering Place, Yard by Yard, Tulsa Master Gardeners and the Tulsa Garden Center.

I hope you will join us!

Information from their website about the film along with the links.

The Mystical Migration of the Monarch

This film is available for all butterfly enthusiasts around the world and also for every classroom around the globe. In addition there are resources and curriculum links related to the movie that have been field-tested, aligned with academic standards and are suitable for use in the classroom and at home.

Link to classroom resources:  

Link to video to educators:

Weekly episode about butterflies, gardening, habitat restoration, landscape design, renewal of blighted urban spaces, photography, art and more, entitled “Convos with Suzanne and Fairn” associated with the Mystical Migration YouTube channel. Link to Intro to Convos with Suzanne and Fairn video:

During this time of transformation in our world when we are all reconnecting with nature and finding beauty in our own backyard, the movie producers ask you to please join them in the healing act of getting back to nature!

Link to subscribe to Mystical Migration YouTube channel

Find Mystical Migration at:

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TUWC: Annual Monarchs on the Mountain

This year we are hosting a Mobile Migration activity, symbolically representing the Tri-country migration of Monarchs from their northern breeding grounds up along the Canadian/US border south through the US west of the Rockies to their over-wintering grounds in the Oyamel fir forests of Central Mexico, a nearly 3000 mile journey!  We have chosen six gardens ranging from Oxley Nature Center as our northern-most point, down to the Audubon Society’s Flycatcher Trail in Jenks.  In between are some nifty locations of which many of you may be unaware.  Feel free to hop on the migration path at any Letter as you see fit.  Signage at each location will tell you something about various aspects of how the migration coincides with stages of a Monarch’s life cycle and the generational progression of their journey!  Enjoy and have fun!

A. Oxley Nature Center-tucked away in a corner of Mohawk Park, is the hidden jewel of the Tulsa Parks Department. Opened in 1980, it consists of 800 acres of mixed biomes with over 9 miles of trails.  Your quest here is to check out the Monarch Way Station next to the entrance to the Nature Center, and the small garden across the parking lot in Fawn Grove.  The more adventurous amongst you may opt for a short hike out into the prairie and around the pond.

B. Creek Nation Council Oak Tree ParkAdded to the National Register of Historic Places in 1976, this landmark represents the founding of the city of Tulsa by the Creek Nation after their removal from Alabama to Indian Territory via the Trail of Tears in 1836.  Find Tropical Milkweed, Blue Mistflower among other plants, and note the tall Pawpaw trees near the magnificent Burr Oak and the towering abstract sculpture, Morning Prayer representing the ceremonial fires of the Mvskoke People.  Pawpaws are the host plant for Zebra Swallowtail butterflies.  Across the street is Stickball Park, recognizing the traditional game of Stickball with a nice bronze sculpture.

C. The Gathering Place-this amazing 66 acre park won accolades from Time Magazine, USA Today and National Geographic shortly after opening in 2018.  It is truly a visual delight for the whole family, with fantastical playground equipment and thousands of carefully tended native plants and ornamental trees to delight the spirit.  Our focus here is the Wetlands Gardens area and the walking path along the north side of the lake where there are extensive plantings of Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata), a particularly successful species for this region.

D. Crow Creek Meadow-a tiny, easy-to-overlook locale near Brookside, CCM currently has lots of Maximilian Sunflower and Partridge Pea, the host plant for Cloudless Sulphurs in buttery yellow bloom.  Swing by throughout the year to see what is in season!

E. Jewish Federation of Tulsa Food Bank Garden-this Star of David-shaped garden of 6,500 square feet has over 25 varieties of vegetables, and that isn’t counting the many pollinator species to increase the biodiversity of the site.  Produce grown here is donated to the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma to provide fresh vegetables to the underserved in its hope to help “repair the world.”

F. Flycatcher Trail-A cooperative effort by the Tulsa Audubon Society and Jenks Public Schools, this gorgeous outdoor classroom and demonstration garden hosts a plethora of native plant species and the many pollinators drawn to these host and nectar sources.  QR codes help explain the seven different features to be found in this carefully designed garden.

G. Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness Area

A collaboration of the Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition and the River Parks Authority. This wilderness gem in the heart of Tulsa holds a small monarch waystation that has become overgrown. Join us as we work to rehabilitate this garden with native plants. Family groups can sign up for 30 minute slots to work the dirt and bring this garden back to life! Click the green button to register for a time slot for your family group to participate in the Turkey Mountain Monarch Waystation Rehabilitation project sponsored by the Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition and the River Parks Authority.

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