Category: Uncategorized

Forgotten Malls of Tulsa

Forgotten Malls of Tulsa

Truly–do we need any more new retail stores in Tulsa? Could we not use facilities we already have? Check out this page, which has links to several good articles.

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Turkey Mountain, that you cannot see from home or the road.

taken from the proposed site of a parking lot
Some pictures of Turkey Mountain other than what the TV stations show.


I have noticed that in all of the TV stories on Turkey Mountain, the video is always of the main trail head, or from the upper parking lot, and sometimes by the outlet mall plot. That’s where the camera crew park their truck, and heaven forbid they venture into the woods to actually see how awesome these trailz are.

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A Naturalist’s take

An opinion from the Oxley Nature Center

“I think sometimes people think that we don’t really need nature, because we’re separated from it,” Reese said. “… What they forget is that everything is tied together, and when you start taking pieces of that puzzle out, the puzzle starts to fall apart.”

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TulsaNow: We are not spectators.

What can the Turkey Mountain issue teach us?

What can you do to help preserve and protect our city’s greenspace?

1. Learn about planning and zoning so that you’re educated when thse types of issues arise.

2. Remind the City of Tulsa that they have cited greenspace as a priority
(call/email City Hall).

3. Discuss greenspace preservation and enhancement as part of the renewal for vision 2025.

4. The City’s priorities are built on public engagement.
Vote. Call/email your City Councilor.

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TulsaNow: How is the parcel of land really zoned?

Turkey Mtn Assessment

The designation you see on the County Assessor’s site is based on current use:
what’s the status of the land today.

So until someone does, indeed, start paving over paradise to put in a parking lot, the land is still agricultural as far as the Assessor’s office is concerned. Moreover, they have not yet received a deed of sale on the land (once they do, the record you see online will change), and no-one has been building on the land, yet. So there’s no reason for them to change their listing online, because for their purposes — determining the current value of the land — nothing has yet changed.

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