Contact the Board


TUWC Board (Past and Present) at the Turkey Mountain Master Plan Ground Breaking 2021

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Email the board!

Board of Directors:


Seeking the Right Person to Fill This Role

Fundraising Chair


Patrick Hayes



Current Board Members:

Bobby Reese, Eric Doswell, Cleo Berniger, Jesse Fettkether, Marci Hawkins, Colin Tawney, Erin Tawney, Laurie Biby, Alan Bates, J.T. Darling, Peter Sandretto, Patrick T. Hayes, Julie Monott, Brendan Fox, Bill Aston & Stephanie Acquario

Legacy Advisory Board Members:

Bob Doucette, Ryan Howell, Tom Neal, Tyler Hanes, Ken TZ Childress, Scott Moore, Garret Grow, Justin Walker, Kristi Prough, Kia Shebert-Smith

The Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition is a proud member of the Conservation Coalition of Oklahoma 

The Conservation Coalition of Oklahoma is a non-profit dedicated to bringing conservation organizations together and working with the Oklahoma legislature to develop sound conservation policy and ensure that legislation that has a negative impact on wildlife and habitat is defeated.

In addition to developing a strong advocacy program, the Coalition is dedicated to advancing conservation education. We must have the next generation of conservationists to preserve Oklahoma’s natural resources.


• providing a unified voice for common-sense conservation policy;
• supporting programs that encourage Oklahoma’s youth to connect with nature and learn about wildlife and habitats;
• creating opportunities for citizens and lawmakers to become more aware of conservation issues that are critically important to our state’s future.

Check out our blog featuring thoughts from our coalition members and look for opportunities to work with our partners to further conservation education and activism for wildlife.

The Conservation Coalition of Oklahoma is an affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation.