Monarchs on the Mountain: Mobile Edition 2020 culminates on Monday with a virtual screening of, The Mystical Migration of the Monarch, and award winning film about the Monarch Migration.
At 6:45 tune in to the Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition Facebook Page to watch a message recorded for us from the creators of the film. Then follow the link to their YouTube channel to virtually share the experience of watching the movie together.
With gratitude to all of the organizations who have supported this event and worked to bring it to life: Tulsa River Parks Authority, the Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition, the Tulsa Audubon Society, The M.e.t, Monarch Initiative of Tulsa, Riverfield Country Day School, Sustainable Tulsa, Blue Thumb, Okies for Monarchs, The Tulsa Zoo, City of Tulsa, Save Our Streams, Gathering Place, Yard by Yard, Tulsa Master Gardeners and the Tulsa Garden Center.
I hope you will join us!
Information from their website about the film along with the links.
The Mystical Migration of the Monarch
This film is available for all butterfly enthusiasts around the world and also for every classroom around the globe. In addition there are resources and curriculum links related to the movie that have been field-tested, aligned with academic standards and are suitable for use in the classroom and at home.
Link to classroom resources: https://www.mysticalmigration.com/curriculum-for-educators.html
Link to video to educators: https://youtu.be/jlRCCCaiKJo
Weekly episode about butterflies, gardening, habitat restoration, landscape design, renewal of blighted urban spaces, photography, art and more, entitled “Convos with Suzanne and Fairn” associated with the Mystical Migration YouTube channel. Link to Intro to Convos with Suzanne and Fairn video: https://youtu.be/UWDuM4_cOhM
During this time of transformation in our world when we are all reconnecting with nature and finding beauty in our own backyard, the movie producers ask you to please join them in the healing act of getting back to nature!
Link to subscribe to Mystical Migration YouTube channel
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