
Walk in the Forest Oxley Nature Center • Oct 12

Tag: Blue Thumb

Volunteers Cleanup & Monitor Mooser Creek on Turkey Mountain

Mooser Creek at the north boundary of Turkey Mountain has been able to remain in reasonably good condition despite encroaching urbanization.  How do we know?  Mooser Creek is monitored by devoted Blue Thumb volunteers.  Several of Turkey Mountain’s trails twist and turn and progress north to tie into areas along the southern bank of Mooser Creek.


Mooser creek clean up Tulsa OK
Volunteer Gayle with Blue Thumb coordinator (and TUWC member!) Cheryl Cheadle collect benthic macroinvertebrates (snails, larval insects, etc.) from the stream as part of Blue Thumb monitoring.
Red darters found in Mooser Creek
Darters are small fish that like to make their home in the riffles of streams where the water is likely to be well-oxygenated. This redfin darter is a great find – these little fish cannot survive if pollution levels go too high.
Darters in Mooser Creek
More Darters! These are orangethroated darters, another great find, although they are not quite as sensitive as are the redfin darters.
Mooser Creek
Rocky ledges, emergent vegetation, large rocks, woody debris – all of these habitat components can be found in Mooser Creek. With Turkey Mountain being such as important part of the Mooser Creek watershed, protecting Turkey Mountain also protects Mooser Creek!!!
Mooser Creek
Volunteers Walt and Gayle not only perform monitoring, they pick up the trash that so often plagues the stream that flows from SW Tulsa and enters the Arkansas River just south of Interstate 44.
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Tulsa's Monarchs on the Mountain

Monarchs on the Mountain 2016

Tulsa's Monarchs on the Mountain


Tulsa’s RiverParks Authority is pleased to announce Monarchs on the Mountain, a new festival celebrating the vital role Eastern Oklahoma plays in the Monarch Butterfly migration will be held September 24th, on Turkey Mountain. The festival will take place from 10:00 am, until 2:00 pm in the pavilion area of the Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness Area near the main trailhead, 6850 S. Elwood Ave.
The day will be filled with fun and educational activities highlighting the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly, the Great Monarch Migration and the habitat of Turkey Mountain which supports a myriad of wildlife. Information will be available and plants may be purchased to help establish your own Monarch Waystation. Visitors can even make a seed ball to plant this fall. Monarch tagging will be demonstrated and butterflies will be released to join the southward migration to the Oyamel fir forests of Central Mexico. This free festival will appeal to all ages and food trucks will be on site. Come spend the day with us celebrating our unique place in the life of the Monarch!
This event is hosted by: RiverParks Authority in partnership with the Tulsa Urban Wilderness Coalition, the Tulsa Audubon Society and The M.E.T. and supporters; Sustainable Tulsa, Blue Thumb, The Tulsa Zoo, City of Tulsa, Monarch Initiative of Tulsa, Westside Y and the USFWS.
Please help us spread the word by distributing the promotional flyer and sharing our event on Facebook.

For more information contact Marci Hawkins, steering committee chair at:

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