
Blog: YogisDen – More on the Outlet Mall on Turkey Mountain

Tag: devlopment

Blog: Proactiveoutside – Turkey Mountain update: The damage that’s already done

Turkey Mountain update: The damage that’s already done

Here’s the deal: If this mall gets approved, what is pictured above is just a sampling. Much more acreage will be cut down. Drainage issues look problematic: storm water runoff from a parking lot (which would include toxic things like spilled motor oil, gasoline, other auto fluids and whatever leaks from trash dumpsters) looks like it would flow downhill into a ravine, which eventually drain into Mooser Creek, itself a delicate ecosystem maybe a mile to the north. And who knows what erosion issues we’re talking about.

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Blog: TZ – Sad, Sick, Heartbreaking.

Sad, Sick, Heartbreaking

Almost 31 inches. With a 30.75 inch diameter, the circumference would be This webpage given the diameter was 31 inches and the circumference 96 1/2 inches, says the age to be around 100 years old. This was one of the oldest trees on Turkey Mountain. There was no need to cut it down. If the lovely mall were to build, they would not build on the side of a hill so near the pipeline trail. This should have been one tree they kept.

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Blog: TZ – Have you seen these beetles on Turkey Mountain?

Have you seen these beetles on Turkey Mountain?

The American Burying Beetle is on the Endangered Species list, and has been reported in five US states, including Oklahoma. A Google search turns up tons of reading, and it appears to me that this is a real possibility. explains the Endangers Species Act and the ABB.

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