Dec 27, 2019
5:30pm CST
Dead Armadillo Craft Brewing
1004 E 4th St Tulsa OK
Please join us for the annual TUWC membership meeting and board member elections on Fri., Dec. 27th, at Dead Armadillo Craft Brewing,1004 E. 4th Street, Tulsa, OK. We are now accepting nominations for two (2) TUWC Board Member seats (details below), nominations may be submitted via email to webmaster@tulsaurbanwildernesscoalition.org; nominations must include nominees name, position nominated for, and nominees contact information.
You must be a current TUWC member in good standing in order to attend the annual membership meeting, submit board member nominees and to vote. You can renew your membership here https://www.tulsaurbanwildernesscoalition.org or if you are unsure about your membership status please feel free to contact us directly at webmaster@tulsaurbanwildernesscoalition.org.
Available Board Seats
The five TUWC board members are elected for two year terms; however, the seats have alternating term dates so that the entire board does not turn over at one time. (There are no term limit restrictions.) The general membership votes on the Board of Directors at the annual end of year meeting.
· Finance Director
o Kristi Prough Served 2015 – 2019
o Term Expires at the end of 2019
· Marketing Director
o Laurie Biby Served 2015 – 2019
o Term Expires at the end of 2019