Monday, December 28, 2015
6:30pm CST
Tulsa Library Literacy Outreach & Volunteer Services Building
(Former Genealogy Center)
2901 South Harvard Tulsa, OK
Please join us for the annual TUWC membership meeting on Monday, December 28th. Participate in the 2016 board member election, recap 2015, and discuss our future plans. Board member nominations are now open and can be submitted via email to tyler.hanes@tulsaurbanwildernesscoalition.org; nominations must include nominees name, position nominated for and nominees contact information.
All meeting attendees must be current TUWC members in good standing with annual dues up to date. If you’re interested in becoming a member or your annual dues need to be renewed, please visit www.tulsaurbanwildernesscoalition.org.
Happy Holidays and we look forward to seeing you soon!
-The TUWC Board